Plastic Fantastic

Director: Isa Willinger

Documentary feature, 2023

German cinema release

January 2024


“The global plastic crisis is dismantled and reassembled in a well-researched, cinematic film that not only points to the problems, but also to possible solutions. Probably the most important climate film of the year, with an attentive eye on greenwashing and climate racism.” (CPH:DOX 2023)


Nominated for the German Documentary Film Award 2024

CPH:DOX 2023
– Special Premieres

Movies that matter 2023
– Take on Future

DOK.fest München 2023
– Nominated for the German Documentary Film Music Award (music: Damian Scholl)

Internationales Filmfest Emden-Norderney 2023
– Nominated for the Focus Future Award

Fünf Seen Filmfestival 2023

Filmkunstwochen München 2023

HEIMAT EUROPA Filmfestspiele 2023

Weltkulturenmuseum Frankfurt 2023

:DOKU FEST Kosovo 2023

Festival des Deutschen Films 2023

Rab Film Festival 2023

Warsaw Film Festival 2023
– Documentary Competition

Bozcaada International Festival of Ecological Documentary 2023
– Official Selection Panorama

Another Way Film Festival Madrid 2023
– Official Selection

Silbersalz Science and Media Festival 2023

Cambridge Film Festival 2023
– Environment & Community

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 2023
– Official Selection

Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival 2023
– Environment Agency Environmental Film Programme

Throwaway documentary screenings Brüssel / Haus der Europäischen Geschichte 2023

Lüneburger Umwelt-Filmtage 2023

This Human World Film Festival 2023
– Changing Environment

GZDOC Golden Kapok Competition 2023
– Short List

ECOCUP Green Documentary FF Tbilisi 2023

ReFrame Film Festival 2024

Goethe Institut Rom 2024

Ökofilmtour 2024
– Winner of Hoimar-von-Ditfurth-Award

Internationales Meeresfilmfestival CINEMARE Kiel 2024


Writer and director –
Isa Willinger

Production –

Broadcaster –
ZDF – Das kleine Fernsehspiel

Commissioning editors –
Varinka Link
Claudia Tronnier

Funded by –

DoP –
Julian Krubasik, Felix Pflieger

Film editor –
Lena Hatebur

Sound –
Veronika Neuber

Music –
Damian Scholl

Film graphic –
Daniel Wiesmann
Robert Radziejewski

World sales –
Rise and Shine World Sales


Production –
Germany 2023

Picture –

Sound –
5.1 SRD

Length –
101 min.